
As we edge towards the midpoint of 2024 the top interior trends for this year have begun to emerge and we are loving them!

To help you stay informed our founder, Anna Elkington, has picked 5 of the most popular interior trends of this year that we think you need to jump on. 

So, if you are aiming to give your home a makeover this year to stay on trend, consider introducing some elements of these trends into your home. 

Read ahead and find your new favourite interior trend! 

Colour Is Back

Neutrals have dominated the 2010’s and the start of the 2020’s, with Grey and Beige becoming the new ‘IT colours’ for interiors during this time period, alongside the prevailing trend of Minimalism.

However, as we move further into 2024, it seems like colour is back in the interior space. 

It’s easy to be afraid of colour. Did you choose the right shade? Will it overpower the room? Is it too bold to live with? These are questions often asked when considering introducing colour into a room. 

However, to truly embrace this trend you need to be brave and think outside the box! Adding colour to your home doesn’t have to mean your wall colour. Instead, consider sourcing or upcycling colourful furniture and purchasing colourful soft furnishings or decorative accessories. Instead of your walls, consider painting your ceiling instead!

Think of your home as a canvas, choose colours that make you happy and contrast well. 

Your home should feel like you and introducing your favourite colours to a space will help make your home reflect your personal style. 

Furthermore, if you want to be on trend colour wise, primary colours are in for 2024 Consider adding blue, red, yellow and green to your home, in any shade or tone! 

Lets Get Reeded

Reeded glass is having a moment! 

First becoming popular during the Art Deco period of the 1920’s and 1930’s, Reeded Glass has come in and out of style several times during the last century, reaching its peak in popularity during the 1950’s and 60’s. Currently, as people move away from minimalism and towards maximalism, mid century modern or eclectic style spaces in 2024, reeded glass is back in fashion! 

Don’t worry, we’re not saying you should be replacing the glass in your windows and doors! If you want to jump on this trend, you can instead add items that feature reeded glass, like wall cabinets, sideboards or display cupboards.

Introducing reeded glass pieces to your home can instantly add a touch of retro charm to any room. 

All Gold Everything

While minimalist interiors reigned supreme, chrome or silver accents surged in popularity. As the interior world collectively takes a step back from minimalism, gold has become more favoured. 

Historically, the use of Gold in the interior space has been linked to wealth, opulence and power. 

Gold is incredibly versatile, it can be used in vintage, contemporary or rustic interiors and not look out of place. It’s all down to the tone of Gold you are wanting to use! Antique Gold, Yellow Gold and Brass Gold, are some of the most popular types, but there are a huge variety of different options available!

However, if you’re hesitant about adding gold to your home, start small! Consider smaller decor items, like trays, drawer handles or candle holders. If you want to make a statement with gold, opt for a gold mirror instead. And if you’re really feeling brave, go big and choose gold furniture to really make your home stand out! 

Thinking In Florals

When hearing the word ‘Florals’ in relation to interiors people often consider them frumpy, passe or just a bit dated.

On the contrary, Floral prints are a classic for a reason! They can be introduced into any interior style and work well, it all depends on the size of the print. If you’re worried about adding florals to your space, you first need to find a print or flower that speaks to you.

Perhaps you look for bold colours and big prints? Maybe you’re more of a fan of neutral colours and ditsy prints? Or you could be a fan of more contemporary takes on floral prints and prefer the more abstract look? Don’t worry! There is a Floral to suit every taste!

For beginners, think about adding floral elements instead, such as a canvas print, floral pattern decor like vases or cushions, or even actual floral arrangements!

Escape To The Country 

With the rise of the Cottage Core trend since the pandemic, it’s no surprise that country cottage inspired interiors are a huge trend for 2024. With this style of interior we are going back to basics and you need to invest in a few key pieces to truly get started!

To achieve the country cottage look, opt for homeware with a distinctly rustic look and an aged feel. Think wooden furniture, distressed finishes and natural fabrics. When thinking about your colour palette, you have a lot of freedom!

Depending on the style of country cottage you are aiming to create, you can choose from neutrals like white and cream, pastel tones like sage green and pale pink or even richer jewel colours like mustard and rust red. It all depends on the type of country style you wish to emulate!

So, what are the different types of country cottage interiors? 

There are 7 distinct types of country interiors; Contemporary Country, Early American Country, English Country, Farmhouse Country, French Country, Scandinavian Country and Tuscan Country. 

For fans of neutral interiors, Contemporary Country and Scandinavian Country are the styles for you! For lovers of Pastels choose Farmhouse Country or French Country Interiors instead! And for people who prefer richer colours English Country, Early American Country and Tuscan Country styles are more your vibe!

Above all, the great thing about country style is that it is overall very mix and match, you could instead pick and choose elements from all of the above styles and still be right on trend! 

And there we have it, our Top 5 Interior Trends of 2024!

Have you spotted your new favourite trend? Comment and let us know how you are updating your home in 2024! 

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